Tubes 150ml, 165ml, 185ml and glasses 150g

Tubes 150ml, 165ml, 185ml and glasses 150g

Tubes 150ml, 165ml, 185ml and glasses 150g

Mustards and Mayonnaises closed in the handy tubes are great solution for those who appreciate the convenient solutions.

Two options of Mayonnaise in elegant 150 ml glasses: Mayonniase with mustard and green pepper and delicate Mayonnaise Fine perfectly reflects the demanding tastes of french consumers.

Wartość odżywczana 100 g
w tym kwasy nasycone
inc. sugar

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Dressings 1L
Dressings 1L
Premium Mild Ketchup
Premium Mild Ketchup
BBQ Sauce
BBQ Sauce
Tomato Sauce (for chine and ribs)
Tomato Sauce (for chine and ribs)
Table Mustard  (Musztarda Stołowa)
Table Mustard (Musztarda Stołowa)
Tartare Sauce
Tartare Sauce
Sauces and mayonnaises
Sauces and mayonnaises
Tortex 250g, 500g and 1kg
Tortex 250g, 500g and 1kg