BBQ Whisky Sauce

BBQ Whisky Sauce

BBQ Whisky Sauce

Scotch, Irish or bourbon. Good whisky is a gentleman’s choice, no doubt about it. We like things like that here at Roleski. This is why we decided to put together the best Scotch whisky with the gist of our bbq sauces. What do we get as a result? BBQ sauce of unprecedented quality. Roleski. Give it a try, you’ll love it!

Our BBQ sauces line has been designed and created for barbecue lovers and fans of smoked meat flavour. These original products draw inspiration from the American craft flavours and are enriched with smoked pepper, dark beer and Scotch whisky. With no preservatives.

Wartość odżywczana 100 g
Wartość energetyczna741 kJ / 174 kcal
Fat<0,5 g
w tym kwasy nasycone< 0,1 g
Carbohydrate43 g
inc. sugar40 g
Protein<0,5 g
Salt1,5 g
no preservatives

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BBQ Whisky Sauce
BBQ Whisky Sauce